Free Non-VoIP US Phone Numbers

We believe that privacy is a human right. That's why we are offering temporary mobile numbers for FREE.

Use our phone numbers to receive SMS verification codes and protect your personal number from online exposure.

All of our numbers are from the United States and non-VoIP – works with any online service. Get SMS online for free!

Free Temporary Phone Numbers

Send a message to a number below and receive your SMS verification shortly.


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Supported Services

Here's a list of supported services that our numbers can handle. Our numbers are non-VoIP, so they can handle almost any incoming message. However, some numbers may have already been used to receive SMS a certain service. Click here if you need a private number!

Note: Since our free numbers are for everyone, another person may have access to the service you just received a verification code for. If you want a dedicated number, we recommend using textverified for reliable numbers.

Have our numbers already been used or aren't working?

Our numbers are public and shared so it's possible that another user has already used the number for the service you're trying to receive a sms code on. Check out our sponsor and number supplier for reliable one-time sms and voice verifications on a budget. With textverified, you can purchase cheap private numbers that are non-VoIP, from the US, and can be used to verify any online service. In addition to one-time verifications, you can also purchase short-term and long-term phone rentals from Textverified.

What is FreeSMSCodes?

  • We provide 100% REAL US numbers — all numbers are non-VoIP and non-virtual, and can receive any text message.
  • We are a SMS receiving service, which allows users like you to receive text verification codes to verify websites, services, rewards programs, and accounts — all for FREE.
  • Our numbers work with all popular services such as X, Facebook, Google, Tinder, Swagbucks, Microsoft Rewards, Craigslist, Yahoo, and more.
  • Even if you are not from the US, you can use our website to verify your accounts and receive SMS codes.
  • There is no limit to the number of text verifications that can be done, and our service is up 24/7.
  • Our free numbers are shared by everyone — that means any one can access these numbers and codes.
  • This also means that our free numbers may already be used by our other privacy-conscious customers.
  • Numbers change every few days so you can check back later if our free numbers aren't working for you. All text verification codes are deleted whenever the numbers change — numbers are disposable and temporary.
  • Our free numbers are powered by, who have paid numbers that are monitored to ensure a good verification success rate.